APNL Call to Action (14/02/2022)

Do you feel that #NLNeedsPsychologists?  Here’s how you can help.  Reach out to these individuals and let them know you feel it’s essential for the citizens of NL to have appropriate access to publicly funded Psychologists

Reach out to your MHA and the leaders below, and let them know you see better mental health care for adults and children alike as essential, and that Psychologists, who play a vital role in supporting it, must be encouraged and supported within the public sector.

February 2022 Survey

In a recent survey of NL Psychologists, 65% of respondents working in education, health and post-secondary told us they have recently considered leaving the public sector.  Top issues include a lack of respect, lack of autonomy, inability to practice to full scope of training, lack of understanding by those in management/government about the unique skill set of Psychologists, high workload, and pay that doesn’t match their extensive training and experience.

Download the PDF here: APNL-Member-Survey-Feb-2022.pdf

CPA-CPAP Report on Accelerating the Integration of Psychological Services in Primary Care (February 2022)

With the federal government’s commitment to establish a Canada Mental Health Transfer initially valued at $4.5 billion over the next 5 years, the CPA and the Council of Professional Associations of Psychologists (CPAP) released a report New Federal Investments in Mental Health: Accelerating the Integration of Psychological Services in Primary Care. By making investments in evidence-based mental health services – such as psychotherapy – delivered by regulated mental health providers whose services are not covered by Medicare, the expectation is that these funds will make the inaccessible accessible (e.g., psychological services) rather than make the accessible more accessible (i.e., hospital and physician services). In the view of the country’s psychological associations, the most effective and efficient means of achieving better access to evidence-based mental health care is to invest in integrated collaborative care practices in primary care and community-based settings. The report identifies system-based objectives, and recommendations to increase access to quality mental health services and integrate mental health care within primary care settings.

Psychologists in Education

The role of Psychologists within the school system is increasingly unclear, and many senior Educational Psychologists are eligible for retirement in the next few years.  News of a possible merger of Educational Psychologists into the Health system has increased uncertainty and stress, and many have stated they will leave the system if such changes occur.  NL does not currently have a graduate training program in School Psychology.  APNL has suggested the development of a PsyD in Educational Psychology, dual-streams of training within the current Clinical PsyD program, and/or hiring of Clinical Psychologists.

Educational Psychologists play an essential role in the assessment, test interpretation and diagnosis of a variety of learning, emotional and behavioural issues in children and youth.  Many of these assessments are currently being conducted by non-psychologists, who, while trained in test administration, lack the advanced skills required to interpret testing results, or make appropriate diagnoses.  When New Brunswick recently faced a shortage of school Psychologists, their solution, rather than look at improving work conditions for Psychologists, was to permit minimally trained teachers to administer highly complex psychological instruments, the sale of which is officially restricted to only Psychologists.  In contrast, when faced with a shortage of school-based Psychologists, both PEI and Nova Scotia engaged in active recruitment strategies.

If you value having Psychologists with the school system, please reach out to your MHA and the following individuals:

Tom Osborne, Minister of Education - TOsborne@gov.nl.ca, @TomOsborneMHA,

Tony Stack - CEO/Director of Education NLESD, AnthonyStack@nlesd.ca, @nlesdceo

Dr. Gerald Galway – Dean, Faculty of Education MUN - educdean@mun.ca

Dr. Amy Warren – Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies MUN - deansgs@mun.ca

Psychologists in Health

Psychologists working within health provide a wide range of interventions and assessments for children and adults within acute care, long-term care, outpatient and community-based services.  Psychologists provide health-related interventions for issues such as eating disorders, sleep concerns, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other long-term chronic health conditions. Many Psychologists working in health are extensively trained in psychometric assessment tools, interpretation and diagnosis for concerns such as neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD), Intellectual Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Concussions/Brain Injuries, Personality Disorders, Dementia, and neurocognitive impairments as a results of stroke, epilepsy etc. 

Psychologists working in health provide individual and group interventions for a wide variety of mental health concerns.  Psychologists use trauma-informed practice in their work, and many specialize in the assessment and treatment of trauma.  Psychologists provide evidence-based interventions (treatments that have research evidence to support their effectiveness) for a variety of conditions including anxiety, depression, OCD etc.

Psychologists working in Health have experienced a number of systematic changes to the delivery of mental health  services over the past few years.  These changes have frequently resulted in Psychologists being used interchangeably with other MH providers, and not being permitted to practice to their full scope of practice.  Systemic changes have been implemented without involvement of, or consultation with these Psychologists. 

If  you feel it’s important to be able to access a Psychologist when needed within the public health care system, please reach out to your MHA and the following individuals:

Dr. John Haggie , Minister of Health and Community Services - JohnHaggie@gov.nl.ca, @Johnrockdoc

David Diamond, CEO, Eastern Health – david.diamond@easternhealth.ca, Cathy.Fitzpatrick@easternhealth.ca,

Andree Robichaud, CEO Central Health – andree.robichaud@centralhealth.nl.cabarbara.parsons@centralhealth.nl.ca

Michelle House, CEO Western Health – michellehouse@westernhealth.nl.ca

Heather Brown, CEO Labrador Grenfell Health – heather.brown@lghealth.ca


Integrated Primary Health Care Teams

APNL has advocated for a number of years for Psychologists to be integrated into primary health care teams.  There is a wealth of evidence that demonstrates how this can reduce health care costs and improve patient outcomes. 

If you feel Psychologists should be core members of primary health care teams, please reach out to your MHA and the following individuals:

Dr. Patrick Parfrey, Co-Chair, Health Accord NL pparfrey@mun.ca

Sister Elizabeth Davis , Co-Chair, Health Accord NL edavis@sistersofmercynf.org

Dr. John Haggie , Minister of Health and Community Services - JohnHaggie@gov.nl.ca, @Johnrockdoc


Workplace EFAP and Insurance Programs

We call on the government to provide adequate coverage for meaningful psychological services for all government employees.  Furthermore, substantive psychological coverage for employees could be a condition in granting future government contracts to outside agencies.

Members of the public are encouraged to contact their own workplaces to ensure there is substantive and meaningful coverage for Psychological services included within their EFAP/Insurance Coverage, and contact your MHA to support appropriate coverage for all government employees. 


General Background Information:



If you’re unsure who your Member is, you can check here - Https://www.assembly.nl.ca/Members/members.aspx

Abbott, John (L) - JohnAbbott@gov.nl.ca, @JohnAbbottnl

Bennett, Derek (L) - DerekBennett@gov.nl.ca, @DerekBennettLib

Bragg, Derrick (L) -DerrickBragg@gov.nl.ca

Brazil, David  (PC)- DavidBrazil@gov.nl.ca, @davidbrazil10

Brown, Jordan (NDP)- JordanBrown@gov.nl.ca @JordanLabCity

Bryne, Gerry (L)- GerryByrne@gov.nl.ca, @Gerry_Byrne

Coady, Siobhan (L)-  SiobhanCoady@gov.nl.ca, @SiobhanCoadyNL

Conway Ottenheimer, Helen (PC)- HelenConwayOttenheimer@gov.nl.ca, @HelenConwayNL

Crocker, Steve (L)- SteveCrocker@gov.nl.ca, @SteveCrockerLib

Davis, Bernard (L)- BernardDavis@gov.nl.ca, @bernardjdavis

Dempster, Lisa (L)- LisaDempster@gov.nl.ca, @LisaVDempster

Dinn, James (NDP)- JamesDinn@gov.nl.ca, @JimDinn

Dinn, Paul (PC) - PaulDinn@gov.nl.ca, @DinnPaul

Dwyer, Jeff (PC) - JeffDwyer@gov.nl.ca, @JeffDwyerMHA

Evans, Lela (IND) - LelaEvans@gov.nl.ca, @LelaEvansNL

Forsey, Pleaman (PC) - PleamanForsey@gov.nl.ca

Furey, Andrew (L) - AndrewFurey@gov.nl.ca, @FureyAndrew

Gambin-Walsh, Sherry (L) - SherryGambinwalsh@gov.nl.ca, @Sgambin

Haggie, John (L) - JohnHaggie@gov.nl.ca, @Johnrockdoc

Hogan, John (L) - JohnHogan@gov.nl.ca, @johnjhogan

Howell, Krista Lynn (L) - KristaLynnHowell@gov.nl.ca,

Joyce, Eddie (IND) - EJoyce@gov.nl.ca, @ElvisLoveless

Lane, Paul (IND) - PaulLane@gov.nl.ca, @PaulLaneMHA

Loveless, Elvis (L) - ElvisLoveless@gov.nl.ca, @ElvisLoveless

O’Driscoll, Loyola (PC) - LoyolaODriscoll@gov.nl.ca, @LoyolaOD

Osborne, Tom (L) - TOsborne@gov.nl.ca, @TomOsborneMHA

Pardy, Craig (PC) - CraigPardy@gov.nl.ca, @CraigPardy

Parrott, Lloyd (PC) - LloydParrott@gov.nl.ca, @lloyd_parrott

Parsons, Andrew (L) - AndrewParsons@gov.nl.ca, @Andrew_Parsons1

Parsons, Pam (L) - PamParsons@gov.nl.ca, @PamNParsons

Petten, Barry (PC) - BarryPetten@gov.nl.ca, @BarryPetten

Pike, Paul (L) - PaulPike@gov.nl.ca,

Reid, Scott (L) - ScottReid@gov.nl.ca, @ScottReidLib_NL

Stoodley, Sarah (L) - SarahStoodley@gov.nl.ca, @SarahlStoodley

Stoyles, Lucy (L) - LucyStoyles@gov.nl.ca

Tibbs, Chris (PC) - ChrisTibbs@gov.nl.ca, @ChrisTibbs15

Trimper, Perry (IND) - PerryTrimper@gov.nl.ca, @PerryTrimper

Wakeham, Tony (PC) - TonyWakeham@gov.nl.ca, @TonyWakehamNL

Wall, Joedy (PC) - JoedyWall@gov.nl.ca, @MHAJoedyWall

Warr, Brian (L) - BrianWarr@gov.nl.ca, @BrianWarr3


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