Contact Us
P. O. Box 26061, RPO
LeMarchant Road
St. John's, NL
A1E 0A5
Tel: 709.739.5405
Executive Members and Committee Chairs:
President |
vacant |
President-Elect |
vacant |
Past-President |
Communications Director |
Dr. Pam Button |
Treasurer |
Lisa O'Keefe - |
Secretary |
Heather Conran-Paul - |
Eastern Director (2023- 2024) |
vacant |
Eastern Director (2023- 2025) |
vacant |
Central Director |
Darryl Murphy |
Western/Labrador Director |
Cindy Russell |
Student Representative |
Brianna George |
Continuing Education Committee Chair |
vacant |
Advocacy Committee Chair |
vacant |
Membership Committee Chair |
vacant |
Please contact us for any information! We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact any of the above individuals with any questions or comments appropriate to their role with APNL. General inquiries can be sent to