CPA-CPAP Report on Accelerating the Integration of Psychological Services in Primary Care

With the federal government’s commitment to establish a Canada Mental Health Transfer initially valued at $4.5 billion over the next 5 years, the CPA and the Council of Professional Associations of Psychologists (CPAP) released a report New Federal Investments in Mental Health: Accelerating the Integration of Psychological Services in Primary Care

By making investments in evidence-based mental health services – such as psychotherapy – delivered by regulated mental health providers whose services are not covered by Medicare, the expectation is that these funds will make the inaccessible accessible (e.g., psychological services) rather than make the accessible more accessible (i.e., hospital and physician services). 

In the view of the country’s psychological associations, the most effective and efficient means of achieving better access to evidence-based mental health care is to invest in integrated collaborative care practices in primary care and community-based settings. The report identifies system-based objectives, and recommendations to increase access to quality mental health services and integrate mental health care within primary care settings.

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